September 15, 2010

Jane Austin~Who Are You?

I must say, it's suprising how often Jane Austin's characters pop up in conversation here at Clever Girl.  {Ms. A. was a very clever girl.} So when I came across this fun little quiz, I thought I should share.  ...Now don't over-think this, but take a moment to see what character you are most like.

Click on the link below to find out...but seriously, don't we all really want to be Miss Elizabeth Bennet?

September 2, 2010

Going Hunting...

Off to find vintage goodies today in Maine.  Hurricane EARL is going to blow up here over the weekend {90 MPH winds-Yikes!} so I'm off to poke around today and see what's got Clever Girl written all over it.  I'll let you know how I do.....and promise to bring home some wonderful stuff.  UPDATE: Pictures from our "hunting" trip are now up on Facebook.  {Click Here}

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