Happy Mother's Day!
I'm always so impressed with all of the Dads and children that come in to shop for "Mommy" in preparation for Mother's Day. Everyone is in a happy mood and eager to find just the right thing to wrap up for their special mothers. (We love that so many of you are shopping locally!) Bravo to all of the great shoppers out there, and a very Happy Mother's Day to everybody...
So let me ask you, "Do you have a birthday?" It's the only requirement to join our new little club. Well, that and an email address. Be sure to give us your info at the check out desk, and we'll get you in the club ASAP. (And, don't worry, we only need to know the MONTH you were born in, not the date or the year.) A rather useful coupon will come your way once you've gone another year around the sun...
And a little update on the feline front; there's a new member in the family. "Oliver" has joined the menagerie, and is doing quite well. He has a few issues due to malformed paws and front legs, but he's spunky, very determined, and adapting quickly to his forever home. The dogs love him. Mabel, the other cat, however, is not so thrilled.
I do believe she may be plotting a few things...