March 6, 2010

REAL Drama

Today is the day...Whether you've seen any of the films or not, we all love the Oscars, right? Lately, the red carpet walk has become the most exciting part--now it's more for the fashion (thank you Cher) than the movies. It's also now the longest show ever. From the pre-show to the final prize, and the requisite follow up analysis of who wore what, the Academy awards are now something like 18 hours long. Let's face it: It's a commitment.

And, lest you forget Clever Girls, there is a fresh season of Rachel Zoe to be seen in a few months on Bravo. They are filming right now and dear Rachel is surely dressing several movie stars even as you read this. Can you say drama? Will Brad be able to take the pressure? Is Rodger being supportive, and is Taylor still on the team? (I think NOT!)

I do miss Rachel. No one clutches a Starbucks cup quite like she does, and her protruding clavicle bones set off her jewelry in unique way. This is the big day. Triumphs and tears, so tune in girls and let's see how it all turns out. And the winner is.......................

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