June 8, 2010

Shine On...

We've raved about Dash and Albert rugs in the past, but it bears repeating.  There are so many charming patterns to choose from--and early summer is the perfect time to spruse up with color.  I've personally used their "Rain or Shine" rugs outside now for two seasons, and they really do still look like new.  I have the Pond Stripe, shown below (dog not included) and it still looks great as it starts a third summer.  Here's the secret: Twice a year I scoop it up and take it with me to the do-it-yourself car wash.  Hit it with the power washer, and shake it dry. Poof.  Brand new rug.  
So, while the Summer is still young, and the BBQ's are still ahead of us, this is the time to dress up your outdoor spaces with a shot of color that's soft under bare feet, forgiving to the elements, and will make a leisurely Sunday brunch just a bit more special.  Try it.  You'll see...

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