January 27, 2017

Time for Tea...

When the weather is teasing us a bit, deciding to be cold and then colder, a definite antidote is a good cup of tea.  The British have known this for 100's of years, and endless reruns of Downton Abbey have only further engraved it upon my mind.  I don't know what's taken me so long, but I have finally discovered the joy of tea!  So, it's rather convenient, I suppose, that we are now carrying the amazing line, Tea Forté.  (If you've ever treated yourself to lunch at Neiman Marcus, this is the tea you would have been served.)  The ubiquitous "tea bag" has been replaced with the rather impressive triangle shaped tea infuser with a signature little leaf attached to the string.  However, this isn't just a case of putting lipstick on a pig--this is some seriously flavorful tea.  

I'm currently  working my way through the Tea Tasting Assortment Collection, which they describe as: "The perfect introduction to the Tea Forté experience. Beautifully packaged and always appreciated, this curated tea collections are a most welcome presentation of the world’s most extraordinary teas."

Truly, I've enjoyed every one of them so far.  I have a Keurig coffee brewing system the I generally use to have a cup of coffee while I wait for my real coffee to brew each morning.  But, if you don't put in one of the little pods, it makes hot water for the perfect quick cup of tea just as easily!
The other fun thing I've been learning about are loose teas.  Tea Forté makes the perfect packet of loose tea that you put into a little brew basket that steeps the perfect cup.  It really couldn't be easier!  

The "Warming Joy" collection is a limited edition grouping of teas that are particularly good in the colder months.  Just tear open a packet, pop it into the little mesh basket, add hot water and there you go!  Really tasty, aromatic, bone warming, life giving tea!  
For those of you battling the late-winter doldrums, desperate to feel the warmth of the sun, try some of this tea--the Brits are really on to something!

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