October 14, 2009

House to Go

I freely admit to being a bit of a collector--as different things grab my attention, off I go seeking more of them out. For a long time now I've been gathering bits of truly ancient history in the form of fossils and coral. Setting them out, or using one as a paperweight is a great way to enjoy them and marvel at how old they really are. My current favorite, an Ammonite fossil was a gift from my mother. (It's the spiral shaped one to the left.)

Millions of years ago, this was the actual home of a sea-dwelling creature living somewhere near present day England. Only the last and largest chamber, the body chamber, was occupied by the living animal at any given moment. As it grew, it added newer and larger chambers to the open end of the coil. As the little creature needed more room, he simply grew it--round and round in a beautiful spiral pattern. No building permit required! Really rather a clever system, don't you agree? But, can you imagine toting your whole house with you everywhere? I think not...but it is amazing to think this heavy, rough fossil that was bobbing around in the English sea millions of years ago now has my roof over its head. Clever indeed!

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