Allow me to offer brief praise to the man above. This has been a Mid-West summer like few others. Heat, humidity, torrential downpours, and bugs like you can't believe have plagued us all season. The wall of hot air that snaps out at us every time we set foot outside is like a blast furnace working on overdrive. Thus, my unwavering love is declared for one Mr. Willis Haviland Carrier--inventor of Air Conditioning. Bless you Mr. Carrier. Bless you and that wonderful whirring machine you created that dares to battle the hot, licking flames of scorching summer heat.
On my travels back and forth to the east coast, I stop off in Syracuse, NY at none other than "
Carrier Circle" the headquarters for the company he founded (it's exit 35, in case you want to visit). I shall offer prayers of thanks forever more as I zip past it on my way to a lovely, air conditioned room. Keep cool, Clever Girls...