CG: Was Easter a big holiday for you growing up?
RL: It was, and still is. Somehow it's even more special to me than Christmas. When I was eight or nine, I played Christ the Lord is Risen Today on the organ at church. It's a beautiful song. I love the traditions, and particularly the music of Easter. My husband still colors eggs with my daughter Anne every year--and she's in college now!
CG: What were some of your childhood traditions? Did the Easter Bunny visit your house?
RL: He did! We colored eggs the day before, and left them out for him to hide. My mom always made us great Easter baskets with candy and little gifts as well. We had a great time "hunting" for the eggs, and then got our baskets to open. It was so exciting.
CG: So, do you still believe in the Easter Bunny?
RL: Sadly, no. When I was in second grade, Andrea L. was over at my house for lunch. The topic of the tooth fairy came up, she very decidedly announced that there was no such thing. "It's your parents, silly." I believe were her exact words. She then listed off all the other things, like Santa and the Easter Bunny, and wiped them all out in one fell swoop. My mother, who was making us lunch was ready to strangle her.
CG: Any traditions for the Easter meal? Did you go out, or eat at home?
RL: After church, we had a traditional Easter brunch at home. We always had an Easter ham; and, this is so 1960's, but we always had an apricot Jello salad with pineapple and whipped cream; plus all the usual trimmings. Hands down, however, the highlight was the lamb cake that came from a local bakery every year. That was awesome!
CG: Easter Bonnet, Yes or no?
RL: Oh, yes! (see photo below)
CG: Favorite Easter Candy?
RL: Well, now Cadbury Eggs and I love black, licorice jelly beans...
CG: Colored egg method?
RL: We're old-school classic. It's got to be the Paas kit in the box.
CG: Are you into marshmallow peeps?
RL: Not really. One is ok, but any more than that and I'm in a sugar coma. My sister still makes that Jello salad though; and that's almost the same thing...
Clever Girl: Well, You've got the darling dress, gloves, and a handbag--you really have always been into fashion, haven't you?
Rosanne: Absolutely. My Aunt Geneva sent us special Easter outfits from Florida, and I had to accessorize it even back then. This picture is from 1966, and I was already so into it!